These are "the girls". Ever since I posted last week about how the dog was afraid of fireworks, complete with picture there has been a rift in the house. Apparently Tiby and Nixy are (pardon the expression) glory hounds. So there they are in an action shot. Nixy is the despectively sweet looking white ball of fluff, and Tiby is the twisted up seal point one. I had to make them an area near my fabric to keep them out of my fabric.

On Friday, I was shopping for some costume fabrics and found this fantastic knit. The second I saw it, I knew right away what to do with. Normally I fall in love with a fabric and horde it for months waiting for "just the right"project. I've had summer dresses and skirts on the brain for months.

Then the shirring began, 40 rows, 10 bobbins hand wound, 1 trip to Hancock fabrics for more elastic thread, and a grand total of 3 spools of elastic thread. to get the top finished. So far it's coming along and just as I pictured.