I know I have been away for quite some time, for some seriously personal reasons. Things have calmed down and I'm not only back but I'm eager to start sharing some of the projects that I've been doing in my long absence from blogging.
My luck seems to be going in the right direction as yesterday I found out that I got the Houseparty.com Singer Sew Very Easy House Party
Today I found out that I won a t-shirt and a started pack of Mod Podge from

In the last few months I've redone my craft area and did a long overdue massive clean up in my garage. It's fantastic, I can actually do some woodworking again. I have new pillows for the living room and very best of all I got a Silhouette for my birthday.
Before I go into a ton of new things I figured that I'd at least share my spray painted shoes that I'd teased people about before I dissapeared.
At one point in time I owned about 7 or 9 pairs of mary jane's. I love them, they're cute, comfortable and were perfect for the job I had at the time.
Sadly, for the last few years they have just sat in my closet looking forlorn. Since I couldn't have that and I'd heard tell of being able to spray paint shoes to match an outfit I figured it was just something I had to try.
I started by stuffing the shoes with newspaper, with a layer of paper towels on top. I taped off the buttons so that they would stay black, intending to paint them later. (This wouldn't end up happening just because halfway through I had a flash of inspiration.) I very slowly gave each shoe several light coats of red until everything was covered to my satisfaction. As I was bringing them inside, I saw my cherry blossom stencil and knew that was exactly what the shoes needed. Due to the shape of the shoes I actually had to hold the stencil on and trace it with a pencil, section by section. Black fabric pain was used to fill in the sections and I used my trusty E6000 to glue on the red swarovski crystals.
I wore these through out the colder weather we had this year in "sunny" Atlanta and they held up great! No cracks, no missing crystals and since they were well broken in prior to their remake fit like a dream!