Monday, January 21, 2013

The color Orange is haunting me

So the second Iron Craft challenge is the color orange. Which would be killer if I hadn't used almost every scrap of orange in the last craft.
You should know that I've made a few extra rules for myself for these

  •  The end product has to be something that I will wear, use, need for the house, or can gift/consume.
  •  I have to recycle, up-cycle or use something from my massive fabric stash in every challenge 
  • I can't spend more then $10 on anything I have to buy for a challenge
  • I can not make a purse or up-cycle a tee shirt every time.
So heading off to the fabric store to end all fabric stores was going to be hard. I can't help it, every time I've gone there I've spent a small fortune. It's amazing and I could happily live there. There is fabric everywhere you look and almost a wall of trim.

This is just a small taste of the place.

I swear I walked in and the only thing I could see was orange, it just wouldn't leave me alone.

 I was really into the dotted ribbon, mostly due to the purple in it.I just couldn't think of something great to do with it,  
 Then, I almost spent $25 a yard for the massively gorgeous raised print. I had to be talked out of it and regret it still.
 However, it's not practical, doesn't go with my plan for the re-vamped living room in progress thing I've got going on.. It wasn't meant to be alas, just a passing fancy, something to look back, and sigh about. 
  Apparently, I'm fickle. The moment I walked away from the 1st fantastic love of my life, I fell head over heels for another. 

I actually left with exactly what I went for, the orange for the challenge and a beautiful black for a full length skirt that I'm making. I think it's a first.

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